Irrigation and Hydropower Hydrological Modelling

PDP have undertaken numerous hydrological modelling projects on behalf of irrigation schemes and hydropower generators to model hydrological aspects of surface water abstraction for irrigation and hydropower generation.

Our work has involved modelling large surface water abstractions (up to 30-40 m³/s), assessing the effect of proposed changes to minimum flows, quantifying long-term surface water supply reliability, and modelling effects on downstream environments and users – for example changes to flushing flow regimes and effects on sediment transport. We have also undertaken extensive coupled supply and demand modelling for various run-of-river irrigation schemes to help quantify storage requirements in the context of long-term surface water supply availability. Our assessments have been used by our clients to inform internal decision making and to support Assessments of Environmental Effects for resource consent applications/renewals. For some of these projects evidence was prepared and presented at consent application and plan change hearings.

PDP staff member working on a hydrological modelling project in the New Zealand river

Key Contact

PDP Staff Member Bas Veendrick
Bas Veendrick