Living Bus Shelter

Our team collaborated with Auckland Transport, Koru Environmental, Natural Habitats, Manaaki Whenua and Aireys Consultants to install living bus shelters across the Auckland bus network. The project will contribute significantly to renaturing the city’s infrastructure climate resilience, reducing ambient air temperature, improving air quality, stormwater management and urban biodiversity, enhancing pollination pathways and the aesthetic appeal of urban spaces. This project will be implemented Auckland-wide, with the intent to roll-out living bus shelters in 2023.

The project’s pilot consisted of designing and implementing two green roof systems for a standard bus shelter and a larger-scale bus station.

Outside Redoubt North Primary, we installed a green roof on the standard bus shelter housing 5m² of plantings. The shelter harnesses solar energy to power a water pump for a near-self-sufficient reservoir and irrigation system to store and reuse captured rainwater. The pump and reservoir are concealed in a custom seat beside the shelter accompanied by a green wall to conceal the piping. This shelter involved significant engagement with the local board and school to ensure its ongoing success.

We retrofitted Panmure’s long-canopy shelter with four living walls and a living roof, housing approximately 108m² of plantings and a plumbed-in irrigation system. Safety-in-design was an important consideration, and included design for safe and easy access, fall protection and structural integrity.

Auckland Transport

Date of Completion:

Key Contact

PDP Staff Member Linda Shamrock
Linda Shamrock