Taniwha Springs Pump Station

Taniwha Springs/Te Waro Uri spring is of significant historic and cultural significance to Ngāti Rangiwewehi and regarded as precious. It is the traditional home of the taniwha Pekehaua – a central figure of local traditions – and the place from where the tribe’s life springs. Taken under the Public Works Act in 1966, the sacred Te Waro Uri and the Awahou Stream have been covered by an aging pump station building, which sits immediately over the most culturally significant part of the waterway, the exact point where the taniwha Pekehaua resided. More background to this incredibly significant project can be found here.

The unique design required a buried structure with full redundancy to provide a reliable supply to the people of Ngongotahā. This was achieved through selecting innovative products, three 180 kW 8” dry priming Pioneer Pumps with a peak duty of 110 L/s at 100 m head supplied by Brown Brothers Engineering Ltd and custom-made aluminium safety access covers with void protection by McBerns. 

These drone photos show the complexity of the site, as well as the scope of the upgrade. We are proud and grateful to have worked alongside Spartan to deliver this highly significant project for Ngāti Rangiwewehi and Rotorua Lakes Council.

Client: Ngāti Rangiwewehi & Rotorua Lakes Council

Date of Completion: 2023

Key Contact

PDP Water Supply and Treatment Staff Member Bill Noell
Bill Noell