Thames-Coromandel Coastal Adaptation

Since early 2023, PDP has proudly partnered with Thames-Coromandel District Council (TCDC) to advance coastal climate change adaptation efforts. Our work focuses on the Shoreline Management Pathways Project, a collaboration between TCDC and iwi designed to tackle coastal erosion and inundation risks.

In the project’s first stage, we worked as part of a team of community members, regional council, iwi representatives, and TCDC. One of our coastal experts, Shari Gallop, played a pivotal role integrating te ao Māori (Māori worldview) and mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge) into the adaptation pathways prioritization process.

The second stage of our involvement centers on the Thames Protection and Resilience Project. PDP is working alongside TCDC and project partners to refine coastal engineering designs, such as bunds, while honoring mana whenua values, aspirations, and mātauranga. This includes assessing potential impacts on wāhi tapu (sacred sites) and exploring nature-based enhancements.

This project exemplifies our ability to blend Western scientific and engineering methodologies with Māori perspectives and mātauranga Māori. Effective communication has been key, as we strive to meet people where they are in their understanding of te ao Māori and foster a collaborative decision-making process.

Thames road along the coast

Client: Thames-Coromandel District Council (TCDC)

Date of Completion: Ongoing Since February 2023

Scope of Work: Supporting TCDC to include te ao Māori (Māori world view) including mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge) in prioritisation of shoreline adaptation options and in implementing coastal engineering works.

Key Contact

PDP Staff Member Shari Gallop
Shari Gallop