Our team of ecologists and environmental scientists specialise in freshwater, coastal, wetland and terrestrial ecosystems.
We offer ecological solutions for land use and its functions through critical thinking, design, and risk assessment. We work in collaboration with local communities and iwi, integrating their knowledge and values into our projects. This ensures that our work adheres to relevant best practice standards, health and safety guidelines, and planning practices.
Services that we provide:
General Ecological Assessments
- Assessments of Environmental Effects (AEEs)
- Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA)
- Ecological flora and fauna assessments, monitoring, and design
- Management, mitigation & restoration planning
- Compliance and resource consent ecological planning
- Offsetting and environmental compensation
- Statistical data capturing, analysis, and interpretation
- Stream Ecological Value (SEV) including restoration, enhancement, and environmental compensation
- Macroinvertebrate, Macrophyte and Periphyton sampling and water quality assessments
- Fish passage assessment, remediation/restoration and design, and fish salvage and translocation
- Watercourse restoration, wetland/riparian planting plans, design considerations and engineering solutions
- Cultural stream health assessments
- Management and monitoring plans for grounds, flora and fauna, planting, and restoration
- Auditing and peer review
- Managing consent applications for ecological impact
- Aviation/transport, wildlife impact ecology – risk assessments, bird strike reports, wildlife hazard management plans, airport biodiversity plans, ecological studies
- Pest management advice and planning
- Wetland delineation assessments – including our own purpose-built digital application for this purpose
- Wetland Ecological Value (WEV) assessment
- Riparian and wetland management/ restoration/ enhancement plans
- Wetland significant ecological area (SEA) assessments for subdivision rights
- Pre-purchase/ due diligence land use advice
- Dune and bird surveys
- Management plans
- Environmental studies