Health Safety & Wellbeing

We put safety first and are committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all employees, subcontractors and the general public.

This goes beyond just legal compliance. We care deeply about our people, those that work with us, and those who we can impact influence or impact. 

We want our people to be well, happy, safe and engaged in a supportive and fun workplace.

Our management systems focus on identifying, eliminating or minimising hazards and risks. We seek to provide and maintain a healthy work environment that is without risk to health and safety.

We communicate frequently, consult and engage, and encourage our people to participate in improving health, safety and wellbeing at our places of work.

We stay up-to-date with health, safety and wellbeing matters, and we provide ongoing training to ensure we are all knowledgeable, and we understand the nature of the operations of our business and the associated hazards and risks.

We adopt a “whole team” approach, ensuring we are all responsible, incorporating other businesses working together for everyone’s health, safety and wellbeing. Through our training, engagement and participation, we seek continual improvement.

Carbon Conscious Certification

We have recently achieved our EKOS Climate Conscious Certification for FY 2023. Click here to view our certificate. 

Climate-related Risk and Opportunities Statement

June 2024

PDP has undertaken a high-level risk and opportunity assessment for our business to identify the nature and level of climate change related risks, and any opportunities for our business. 

Our evaluations conclude that there are currently no significant climate-related risks that are likely to directly impact our business.  We have identified how we can respond to and reduce other identified risks to help build resilience into our operations.  Through identifying opportunities, we are positioned to support our clients with their own climate risks and to create new work streams for PDP.

Our initial assessment is partially aligned with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework for companies to disclose to stakeholders.  Our assessment includes transition risks, physical risks and opportunities to inform strategic planning and risk management.

Our transition risks relate to technology availability and affordability to achieve low carbon transport in our fleet and the availability of clean energy to support electrification.  In our markets, we are likely to see a shift in our services and client requirements as they adapt and respond to the impacts of climate change on them.  We are responding to the risks from a potential loss of markets by investing in building our capacity and capability to deliver climate change services, developing systems to integrate climate change throughout our project work and diversifying to new markets where relevant.

PDP could face reputational loss if we overstate our claims about climate action or undertake work that is counter to our stated commitments.  PDP will undertake regular review of our markets and services with strategic and group directors to evaluate climate change risks and opportunities including reputational risks associated with our projects.



Physical risks are those such as extreme weather, increased fire risk and sea level rise.  PDP may experience business interruption and loss of time such as commuting delays, and inability to undertake fieldwork or increased working from home reducing the cohesiveness and effectiveness of our teams. Should our people not be able to reach the office, we already have in place systems and processes to enable business continuity through working from home.  We will undertake further office specific quantitative evaluations to better understand the physical risks.

We will undertake regular reviews of financial climate risks and opportunities to inform whether we should adapt our management and strategy to mitigate risks or take advantage of opportunities.


Our Greenhouse Gas Measurement

The table provides our 2022 to 2023 financial year (FY23) carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-e) emissions.   FY23 forms our base year for our science-based reduction targets.  We have achieved Carbon Conscious Certification for our base year inventory, with independent verification completed by McHugh & Shaw Limited[1]. We will provide annual updates to our emissions.

[1] The assurance level achieved is:  Reasonable Assurance ISO Categories 1-2 ; and Limited Assurance ISO Categories 3-6.