We are an experienced and diverse team across engineering, coastal processes, climate change adaptation and community engagement.
We have the skills and knowledge to support our clients to consider te ao Māori and mātauranga in creating coastal solutions. We offer holistic support and solutions incorporating best-practice and innovative thinking.
Services that we provide:
Climate change adaptation and resilience strategies
- Sea level rise and climate change impacts
Bridging Western approaches with te ao Māori (Māori world view) and mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge)
- Climate change adaptation and planning including community engagement
Ki uta ki tai: Mountains to the sea connection
- Catchment-river-coast connection and interactions
- Sedimentation and coastal flooding
Coastal hazards
- Flood risk assessments
- Coastal hazard impact modelling
- Coastal groundwater interactions and saline intrusion
Coastal geomorphology and coastal processes
- Coastal environmental impact assessments
- Coastal processes input to structure design
- Estuarine processes and hydrodynamics
Coastal wetlands and blue carbon
- Blue carbon including GHG (greenhouse gas) monitoring
- Modelling wetland response to sea level rise
- Coastal ecology
Resource consents and data acquisition
- Coastal resource consents
- Contaminated sediment and wastewater discharge
- Remote sensing, Artificial Intelligence, and app development